13 ways to cultivate Peace and Luv in a Diverse World

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Do we want to stop destroying each other? We have been absorbing the recycled perceptions being passed down from generation to generation fed to us from our family, peers, education system, media, politics and religion. What have we trusted and accepted that keeps the destructive interactions we have with one another going? What have we agreed to that causes us to habitually despise one another because of our differences?


The truth is, we cannot force the KKK, Neo Nazis, and all other White Supremacist groups to start seeing People of Color as Human Beings and value our lives.

We cannot force anyone to accept us or Luv us.


The only way for people who are already infected with hatred, anger, fear, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and all intolerance towards those different from them is if they choose to clean out the toxins circulating in their minds, living in their veins, boiling in their blood.


Our actions are governed by our thoughts and the only way to effectively change the world to cultivate peace and Luv is to change the way we see each other. We treat people congruent to how we see them.


For those of us who can genuinely see each other as human beings let's do our part to stop breeding more hate and start creating more understanding, positive, and Luving environments.


13 Ways to Cultivate Peace and Luv (So much more can be added, but this is a start)

  1. Do not be Color Blind. See everyone. See the diversity because there is nothing wrong with what people are. You can Luv yourself while still appreciating and respecting people different from you.

  2. Raise your children around various cultures and travel outside of your neighborhood, community, state, and country. If your children are raised getting to know people who speak different from them, look different from them, and think different from them then they won't fear differences. They will have an opportunity to appreciate differences and see beauty in it.

  3. Do not justify acts of discrimination. When validating the actions of the attacker you’re demeaning the life of the one attacked.

  4. Avoid generalizing. The behavior or attitude of one or some, is not all.

  5. Be educated on the contributions people from other cultures have achieved and provided.

  6. Do not make assumptions about a person or individual group. Get to know people for who they are, not who you expect them to be.

  7. Do not participate in comments or actions that appear to be derogatory or prejudicial to any individual group.

  8. Speak up when witnessing someone being humiliated or discriminated against.

  9. Be aware of how you speak and treat people. Are your words and actions uplifting or damaging?

  10. Do not make decisions for another culture if they should not be offended when their culture has been disrespected or dehumanized. It is not for us to defend or condone any form of mistreatment against another that isn’t directed at us or our culture regardless how we would personally respond, react, or feel if in the same situation.

  11. Be humble. Put your ego, assumptions, and views aside to genuinely reflect on another’s experience to avoid minimizing their experience or question the validity of their feelings.

  12. Acknowledge that all people are human beings.

  13. Value each other's lives.

Luv Mrk offers Impacting Perceptions an interactive workshop or presentation assessing our perceptions and treatment of people due to their gender, race, religion, politics, socio-economic status, sexuality, ability, and appearance in order to build positive relationships and enhance empathy. This workshop or presentation is for students, educators, employees, volunteers, leaders, and all others interested in building unity and having increased emotional intelligence/self-awareness to make a lasting positive impact in our professional and personal lives. This experience is great for diversity training, leadership seminars, team building workshops, orientations, community building events, retreats, enrichment/elective classes, after school programs, and speaker series events.